Momentum for Change: Planetary Health Launch Event

In collaboration with The Rockefeller Foundation, the UNFCCC secretariat launched a new pillar under its Momentum for Change initiative called Planetary Health. This new pillar recognizes solutions that support both human health and a healthy planet Momentum for Change: Planetary Health will provide a unique link between the climate and larger environmental community and the health sector, especially as national governments prepare to implement the Paris Agreement.


  • Michael Myers, Managing Director, The Rockefeller Foundation


Welcome remarks:

  • Nick Nuttall, UNFCCC Spokesperson


  • Hakima El Haite, High Level Climate Champion, Government of Morocco
  • Eugenie Gagne, Director of Public Hygiene and Environmental Health, Government of Ivory Coast
  • Omar Sey, Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Government of Gambia
  • Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Public Health and the Environmental and Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization
  • Peter Bakker, President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)