Accelerating action to build a resilient 1.5 C world

1. Introduction to roundtable

  • Moderator Pablo Suarez, Red Cross/Crescent Climate Centre

2. Opening remarks

  • Luis de Alba, UNSG Special Envoy for Climate Action Summit Translating global commitments on resilience into action.
  • Gonzalo Munoz, High Level Champion

3. What solutions do we have especially from non-state actors (businesses and grassroots) on building resilience?

  • Ashok-Alexander Sridharan, Mayor of Bonn and ICLEI-President
  • Bijal Brahmbhatt, Director, Mahila Housing SEWA Trust, India
  • Bisola Akinmuyiwa, Youth Representative, Slum Dwellers International (SDI)
  • Ashley Allen, Global Sustainability Lead on Climate Change, Mars, Inc

4. How can existing initiatives, and those launched at UNCAS, be accelerating to deliver transformation change for a resilient future? Any gaps?

  • Eneko Goia Laso, Mayor of San Sebastian
  • Martin Berg, Head, Environmental Funds & Climate Finance Policy, European Investment Bank
  • Grethel Aguilar, Director General, IUCN
  • Chriselle Pratt, Deputy Director General, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
  • Kamal Kishore, Government of India, National Disaster Management Authority
  • Maria Flachsbarth, Parliamentary State Secretary, BMZ

5. How can we track and learn to accelerate ambitious actions and fill gaps to deliver a resilient future from the local to the global?

  • Mami Mizutori, Special Representative of the UNSG for Disaster Risk Reduction, Head of UNDRR
  • Naoko Ishii, CEO and Chairperson, Global Environment Facility
  • Aisha Khan, Executive Director, Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change, Pakistan
  • Andreas Ahrens, Head of Climate, IKEA
  • Patrick Verkooijen, CEO, Global Centre on Adaptation

6. Closing

Hon. Prof. Ntoi Rapapa, Minister of Energy and Meteorology, Leostho

Nick Bridge, Special Representative on Climate Change UK Foreign Secretary

7. Thanks

High-Level Champion