Energy Efficiency Through Smart Lighting Systems

This event explored how countries, cities and corporations are using smart lighting systems to cut greenhouse gas emissions and reduce energy costs. These systems are creating a profound transformation of the lighting sector, pushing the old technologies out of the market. The energy and GHG saving potential of this one single technology are huge, with the potential to reduce by half the energy demand from lighting - representing 15% of total electricity consumption and 5% of GHG emissions.



  • Nick Nuttall, UNFCCC Spokesperson



  • Bill Bien, Global Head of Strategy & Marketing, Philips Lighting
  • Faustin Munyazilwiye, Director of Climate Change and International Obligations Department, Rwanda Environment Management Authority
  • Sandrine Dixson - Declève, Chief Partnership Officer, Sustainable Energy for All Initiative
  • Illac Diaz, Founder, Liter of Light
  • Mark Radka, Chief of UN Environment's Energy, Climate and Technology Branch