Futures Lab: Climate-Smart Healthcare for a Healthier Planet

Climate-Smart Healthcare for a Healthier Planet

7 minutes

Format: Opening speech

Speaker:Sonia (overall event MC) to introduce the event, welcome the audience, and thank you for joining us from around the world.Opening fireside chat with:

  • COP26 Climate Champion -Nigel Topping
  • Director General of the World Health Organization -Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

The chat will discuss the twin crisis healthcare is going through (tackling both COVID-19 and climate change) and the hopes for the future.

Section 1: “People” - Building a climate-smart healthcare system starts with people, and we need to ensure that all visions of the future, solutions, and innovations start by responding to what people need. We start our journey by hearing from patients, medical students, and healthcare professionals at the front-line to understand what the key problems of today are and what they view as the needs for the future.

7 minutes

Format: ‘Teaser’ 1 in conversation with Dame Jackie and Rosamund


  • COP26 Ambassador, NHS -Dame Jackie Daniel (interviewer)
  • Grassroots Campaigner on asthma and health issues related to air pollution -Rosamund Adoo Kissi-Debrah

20 minutes

Format: Panel discussion 1 -“Reimagining the future: people” Moderator: Editor in Chief, BMJ -Fiona Godlee


  • Former Liaison Officer for Public Health, Medical Students' Association -Omnia El Omrani
  • Highveld Community Youth Member -Mapule Mdluli(virtual)3
  • Prof./Director, Sunway Centre for Planetary Health, Malaysia -Dr. Jemilah Mahmood (virtual)
  • Executive Director / Co-Founder, Indigenous Climate Action -Eriel Tchekwie Derange

Section 2: “Technology and Innovation” -Building on what we have heard from the front-line on the needs for the future, we look at what seeds of the future exist by hearing from health system leaders around the world. We explore the gaps between where we are and the future we need, and ideate which technological and innovative solutions are needed to get us there.

6 minutes

Format:‘Teaser 2’ Vox pop Video

Participants: healthcare professionals sharing their wishes for the future of healthcare around the world, from the following organisations:

  • Health Care Without Harm (HCWH)
  • The NHS
  • The Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)
  • Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

20 minutes

Format: Panel discussion 2 -“Reimagining the future: innovation and tech” Moderator: Health Care Without Harm -Josh Karliner


  • Executive Vice President, Chief Advocacy & Sustainability Officer, Providence Health System, USA -AliSantore
  • Executive Secretary, Andean Health Organisation -Maria del Carmen Calle (virtual)
  • Chief Sustainability Officer, National Health Service, England -Nick Watts
  • Anaesthetist from London -Dr Arun Tohani

Section 3: “Systems” -We now know what people need, and what technologies can get us there, but to get full-systems change we need coordination and collaboration at a national and international level. In our final section, we explore how large-scale change can occur through hearing from the visions of different scale health systems (state, national, international), and the solutions we need to get there (policy changes, financing, etc.)


Format:‘Teaser 3’ Intervention by a health professional Speakers:

  • Executive Director, Médecins Sans Frontières,Geneva -Stephen Cornish

20 minutes

Format: Panel discussion 3 -“Reimagining the future: systems”Moderator: Deputy Director, Centre of Environmental Health, Public Health Foundation of India, Poornima Prabhakaran


  • Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Kerala, India -Veena George (virtual)
  • USA Senior Health Advisor -John Balbus
  • Head of Climate Change and Health Programme at the World Health Organization -Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum
  • Senator of Santiago, Chile -Senator Guido Girardi

4 minutes

Closing remarks are to be delivered by our MC, Sonia Roschnik,International Climate Policy Director, Health Care Without Harm, tying the sections together and summarising key actions highlighted during the session and further reinforcing the need for healthcare actors globally to collaborate and drive towards a healthier planet.