SCF09 Bonn

SCF 09

10.03.2015 09:30:00 - 11.03.2015 17:15:00UNFCCC
1. Opening of the meetinglecture_11422_un.mp4
2. Election of officerslecture_11423_un.mp4
3. Organizational matterslecture_11424_un.mp4
4. Workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance in 2015:Consideration of the long-term finance issues referred to in decision 3/CP.19, paragraph 12lecture_11425_un.mp4
5. 2015 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance: Financing for forests, taking into account different policy approacheslecture_11426_un.mp4
6. Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanismlecture_11427_un.mp4
7. MRV of support beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flowslecture_11430_un.mp4
8. Institutional linkages and relations between the Adaptation Fund and other institutions under the Conventionlecture_11431_un.mp4
Plenary: stock takinglecture_11451_un.mp4
Report of breakout group: 7. MRV of support beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flowslecture_11455_un.mp4
Report of breakout group: 8. Institutional linkages and relations between the Adaptation Fund and other institutions under the Conventionlecture_11457_un.mp4
Report of breakout group: 5. 2015 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance: Financing for forests, taking into account different policy approacheslecture_11458_un.mp4
Other matterslecture_11460_un.mp4
Report of breakout group: 4. Workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance in 2015:Consideration of the long-term finance issues referred to in decision 3/CP.19, paragraph 12lecture_11461_un.mp4
Other matterslecture_11462_un.mp4