06.09.2016 09:00:00 - 09.09.2016 18:00:00 | Bonn, Germany | | UNFCCC |
1. Opening of the meeting | lecture_24445_un.mp4 |
2. Organizational matters | lecture_24447_un.mp4 |
3. a) Outcomes of the Bonn climate change conference 2016 | lecture_24448_un.mp4 |
3. b) Technical expert meetings on mitigation and adaptation in May 2016 | lecture_24449_un.mp4 |
3. c) Technology Facilitation Mechanism | lecture_24450_un.mp4 |
3. d) Overview of intended nationally determined contributions | lecture_24451_un.mp4 |
3. e) Outlook of the Marrakech climate change conference 2016 | lecture_24529_un.mp4 |
3. f) Others | lecture_24530_un.mp4 |
Update by task forces on their work | lecture_24531_un.mp4 |
10. Emerging and cross-cutting issues: Initial engagements with the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage | lecture_24532_un.mp4 |
4. Matters relating to the Climate Technology Centre and Network | lecture_24533_un.mp4 |
5. a) Analysis of linkages between the technology needs assessment process and the nationally determined contribution process | lecture_24546_un.mp4 |
5. b) Possible alignment of the technology needs assessment process and the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans | lecture_24547_un.mp4 |
5. c) Methodology on monitoring the technology needs assessment results | lecture_24549_un.mp4 |
6. a) Linkages between the Technology Mechanism and the Financial Mechanism | lecture_24551_un.mp4 |
6. b) Inputs to the draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism | lecture_24554_un.mp4 |
7. b) Inputs for the technical expert meetings on adaptation | lecture_24555_un.mp4 |
7. a) Further work on South-South cooperation on technologies for adaptation | lecture_24556_un.mp4 |
11. b) Report on activities and performance of the Technology Executive Committee | lecture_24557_un.mp4 |
11. c) Joint chapter of the joint annual report | lecture_24558_un.mp4 |
8. a) Taking forward the outcomes of the technical examination process on mitigation | lecture_24562_un.mp4 |
8. b) Inputs for the technical expert meetings on mitigation | lecture_24563_un.mp4 |
9. a) Technology research, development and demonstration | lecture_24564_un.mp4 |
9. b) Innovation and nationally determined contributions | lecture_24565_un.mp4 |
13. Communication and outreach activities | lecture_24566_un.mp4 |
Report back from the breakout group 11. a) Key messages of the Technology Executive Committee to the Conference of the Parties | lecture_24576_un.mp4 |
Report back from the breakout group 6. a) Linkages between the Technology Mechanism and the Financial Mechanism [part 1] | lecture_24578_un.mp4 |
Various items: Report back from the breakout groups (continued) | lecture_24594_un.mp4 |
Various items: Report back from the breakout groups | lecture_24596_un.mp4 |
Various items: Report back from the breakout groups | lecture_24597_un.mp4 |
11. d) Updated procedures for the joint chapter | lecture_24598_un.mp4 |
12. Preparation of the JAR of the TEC and the CTCN to the CMA | lecture_24599_un.mp4 |
11. b) Report of the TEC | lecture_24600_un.mp4 |
14. Date and venue of the next meetings | lecture_24601_un.mp4 |
15. Other matters | lecture_24602_un.mp4 |
16. Closure of the meeting | lecture_24603_un.mp4 |