CDM Executive Board 95th meeting

CDM Executive Board Ninety-fifth meeting

11 - 13 July 2017

Bonn, Germany

Click here for the EB 95 annotated agenda and all corresponding documents to be discussed during this meeting.

If you would like to see the agenda items in the sequence of items discussed, please refer to the playlist at the bottom of the page.


1. Agenda and meeting organization

1.1. Opening

1.2. Adoption of the agenda

2. Governance and management matters

2.1. Membership issues

2.2. Strategic planning and direction 

2.3. Performance management

2.4. Matters related to the Board and its support structure

2.5. Operations of panels and working groups

3. Rulings

3.1. Accreditation

3.2. Registration

3.3. Issuance

3.4. Other rulings

4. Regulatory matters

4.1. Standards/tools

4.2. Procedures

4.3. Policy issues

5. Relations with forums and other stakeholders

6. Other matters

7. Conclusion of the meeting