Facilitative Dialogue on Enhancing Ambition and Support (Part 1) - Assessing the progress in implementing paragraphs 3 and 4 of decision 1/CP.19
1. Opening Session
In addition to the opening remarks, this session also provided an overview of the programme and the mandate and objectives of the dialogue, including on how it will be conducted.
Opening and introduction
- H.E. Mr. Aziz Mekouar, Head of Negotiations, Morocco
- Mr. Joydeep Gupta, Moderator (Facilitative Dialogue Parts 1 and 2)
2. Introduction to Pre-2020 Action and Ambition
Overview of actions communicated for the pre 2020 period (QERCs and NAMAs), status of ratification of Doha Amendment, main messages from BURs, BRs, C&S, and the TEP as reflected in the SPM.
- Ms. Katia Simeonova, UNFCCC
- Mr. Asad Rehman, Friends of the Earth International
3. Quantified Economy Wide Targets by Developed Country Parties
Progress in implementation of quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets and ways to increase ambition, such as revisiting of targets and evaluation and adjusting/resolving or removing conditions; increase the provision of means of implementation to developing countries.
- Ms. Gabriela Fisherova, European Union
- Ms. Dina Spoerri, Switzerland
- Mr. Christo Artusio, United States of America
- Ms. Kushla Munro, Australia
4. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions by Developing Country Parities
Progress in implementation of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and consideration of further action.
- Mr. Ash Sharma, NAMA Facility
- Mr. Ivan Valencia, Colombia
- Ms. Nur Masripatin, Indonesia
- Mr. Charles Mutai, Kenya
- Mr. Jesse Benjamin, Vanuatu
5. Means of Implementation
Scene-setting presentation of means of implementation, to present an overview of the current mechanisms and/or arrangements related to means of implementation and their role with regard to the enhanced provision of support, including matters related to private sector, leveraging potential, etc.
Scene-setting presentation
- Mr. Carlos Fuller, SBSTA Chair
- Mr. Peter Sweatman, International Chamber of Commerce
6. Finance
Presentations by different actors to provide an overview on actions/initiatives showcasing efforts related to the provision and mobilization of financial support from the perspective of providers and recipients.
Scene-setting presentation
- Ms. Preety Bhandari, Asian Development Bank
- Mr. Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, LDC Chair
- Ms. Janine Felson, Belize
- Mr. Archie Young, United Kingdom
7. Technology Development and Transfer
Presentations by different actors to provide an overview on actions/initiatives showcasing efforts related to the provision and mobilization of support for technology transfer.
- Ms. Chizuru Aoki, GEF
- Mr. Jukka Uosukainen, CTCN
- Mr. Ousmane Fall Sarr, Senegal
- Ms. Camila Rodriguez, Colombia
8. Capacity-building
Presentations by different actors to provide an overview on actions/initiatives showcasing efforts related to capacity building.
- Mr. Ari Huhtala, CDKN
- Mr. Tomasz Chruszczow, SBI Chair
9. Wrap Up and Outlook of Part 2 of the Facilitative Dialogue
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