MPGCA: Land Use Action Event: Transforming the land use system with nature and health at the center of the climate crisis and global recovery


Opening session: Urgency & Vision

Moderator: Josefina Brana-Varela, Vice President and Deputy Lead, Forests, WWF Introduction of the urgency of transforming land use, Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


SESSION 1: Transforming land use to halve emissions by 2030 and enhance resilience through multi-stakeholder collaboration to address the climate emergency

This session will evidence key entry points covered the Land Use Climate Action Pathway for system transformation through compelling action and results achieved through radical collaboration across sectors and governance levels to transform land use. Public and private sectors, as well as social movements and civil society organizations working across jurisdictional levels, from subnational to regional and global levels, will be represented at this event. Speakers will reflect how they contribute to pivoting regeneration not only by halting deforestation and up-scaling restoration but also by delving into regenerative practices in land use, this all resulting in the halving of emissions and reversal of biodiversity loss through:

  • Implementation of enhanced climate policy and development instruments (NDCs, jurisdictional REDD+ strategies, long term emission development strategies and National Adaptation Plans) that enable multi-stakeholder collaboration and maximize the deployment of nature-based solutions and their mitigation/adaptation potential.
  • Policies, measures, incentives and financing instruments to sustainably manage and protect carbon-rich natural ecosystems that sustain adaptation efforts as well as halt biodiversity loss through the concerted implementation of targets such as the protection of 30% of land and waters by 2030.
  • Transforming investment in and production of key commodities through the implementation of deforestation-free and net-zero commitments and actions that are science-based, verifiable, transparent, measurable and in line with the Paris Agreement and its contributions to other global agendas, such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Biodiversity Convention, and for the overall contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that provides benefits for people-planet-climate.
  • Upscale restoration efforts at global and regional levels are grounded in community-led efforts with effective governance systems for multi-sector participation and sustained finance.
  • Driving increased awareness of all stakeholders regarding nature-positive land use.


Moderator: Josefina Brana-Varela, Vice President and Deputy Lead, Forests, WWF Five TED talks calling for action how to unleash meaningful action across the land-use sector at a global scale now in this decisive decade?

  • Helder Barbalho, Governor of Pará (Brazil) representing subnational authorities leading protection and restoration via jurisdictional approaches and a GCF Task Force member (with 35 tropical forest member states and provinces).
  • Mina Sertra, Secretary-General Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago, Indonesia.
  • Irene Ojouk, Ambassador Global Evergreening, Evergreening Alliance on AFR100, their finance announcement and the narrative towards COP27
  • Rob Cameron, Global Head of Public Affairs, Nestle
  • Ellen Jackowski, HP Chief Impact Officer

Conversation using appreciative inquiry and enabling action with invited members of the audience

Framing questions:

  1. What struck you as you listened to the set of talks?
  2. How do we make it bigger, better, faster, in your view?
  3. How are you personally contributing to accelerating change? How are you meeting the challenge of our time?
  • Leonardo Lacerda, Global Managing Director for Climate Change Conservancy (TNC)
  • Ruben Lubowski, AVP, Climate & Forests Chief Natural Resource Economist, Environmental Defense Fund.
  • Bernard Giraud, President and co-founder, Livelihoods Fund

Key takeaway messages by the moderator: Josefina Brana-Varela, Vice President and Deputy Lead, Forests, WWF


SESSION 2: Realigning capital and public and private incentives for an inclusive, climate-friendly and nature-positive economy

To achieve climate change, biodiversity and land degradation neutrality targets we must triple investment in nature by 2030 (UNEP,2021). This session will focus on actions that are taking place that will shift the economy. The finance sector must also pivot to regeneration and halt deforestation by 2025 and contribute to halving emissions and reversing biodiversity by 2030. The increase of financial flows to climate action needs to be exponentiated while redefining investment criteria away from negative impacts to nature. This session will also discuss the importance of access to capital to ensure we can upscale deployed resources. This session will demonstrate powerful action and shifts that different financial stakeholders are already taking today:

  1. Deforestation-free financial flows by 2025: with toolkits and accountability frameworks, private financial institutions are reducing risks as they commit to 4 deforestation-free loan and investment portfolios by 2025 accelerating a pivot to regeneration.
  2. Increase of financial flows from private sources to promote longer term finance (beyond intl.cooperation) and systemic transformation: private finance investments in NBS are growing globally and need to be upscaled.

Increase of financial flows from private sources for systemic transformation: voluntary carbon markets unleash resources that can be invested while ensuring environmental integrity and environmental and social safeguards; the use of fintech to get reward finance into farmers’ wallets.


Moderator: Danielle Carreira, Head of Finance WEF-TFA

Moderated panel discussion

Guiding questions:

  • How do we move away from investments leading to deforestation?
  • How do we scale up investment in NbS by making it a smart investment choice?
  • Emine Isciel, Head of Environment, Storebrand
  • Meryam Omi, Head of Sustainability and Responsible Investment Strategy of Legal & General Investment Management.
  • Nick Huges inventor of M-pesa, with a carbon nano-credit trading platform that gets financial rewards straight into farmer’s/ individuals’ pockets for climate action including planting tree seedlings
  • John-o Niles - Salesforce Senior Manager, Natural Climate Solutions representing LEAF

Conversation using appreciative inquiry and enabling action with invited members of the audience

Framing questions:

  1. What struck you as you listened to the set of talks?
  2. How do we make it bigger, better, faster, in your view?
  3. How are you personally contributing to accelerating change? How are you meeting the challenge of our time?
  4. James Mwangi, Yale Fellow and Director of Dalberg - invited to comment
  5. Jose Pugas, Partner & Head of ESG and Agribusiness, JGP Credit

Key takeaway messages by the moderator Danielle Carreira, Head of Finance WEF-TFA


SESSION 3: Implementing regenerative and climate-resilient food systems that address adaptation and mitigation limiting global warming to less than 1.5C by 2050 for present and future generations

This session will lay out the actions transforming agriculture and food systems that maximize the reduction of GHG emissions, as well as making these systems resilient and adapted to climate change impacts. This session will point out critical areas for development and also highlight the most salient actions delivering on the Land Use Climate Action Pathway and implemented by leading actors through:

  1. Including and empowering movements and coalitions of primary stakeholders in food systems, particularly farmers, smallholders, and indigenous groups, to increase regenerative and climate-smart agriculture practices with co-benefits for nature and people.
  2. Adoption of net-zero and resilient verifiable commitments and action plans, measured by science-based metrics supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
  3. Providing transformative mechanisms and innovation for NSA in the food & agriculture value chain to halve emissions by 2030.
  4. Increasing deployment of nature-positive public and private finance for agriculture and food systems with multiple co-benefits, resulting in climate change adaptation and mitigation, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity, as well as socio-economic dimensions.


Moderator: Erin Fitzgerald, USFRA

Producers’ Showcase of Action

  • Mateusz Ciasnocha, European Carbon Farmers & RTZ Youth Fellow
  • Four TED talks calling for action on food system transformation
  • Diane Holdorf, Managing Director Food & Nature, WBCSD and representing Regen
  • Joao Campari, Global Leader, Food Practice, WWF International & Chair, Action Track 3, UN Food Systems Summit
  • Gunhild Stordalenm, EAT Foundation and the Good Food Finance Network
  • Ann Tutwiler, Meridian Institute and Just Rural Transition

Wrap up of the segment:

  • Zitouni Ould-Dada, Deputy Director, Office of Climate Change, Environment and Biodiversity, FAO


Closing of the Land Use Action Events

Take away messages from the Land Use event

  • Bruno Oberle, Director General, IUCN (tbc)

Closing remarks, by High Level Climate Champion

  • Gonzalo Muñoz